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Childhood asthma in France : geographical, social and family disparities

The proportion of children with asthma shows marked differences depending on the region, the professional category of the parents or the family environment , the data presented in a study by the Directorate of Research, Studies , the evaluation and statistics ( Drees ) of the Ministry of Health.
A survey among school children
This analysis Drees , entitled " The health of school children CM2 through school health surveys in 2001-2002 ," based on data collected during the 2001-2002 school year , when the review of CM2 pupils by physicians and school nurses . While three-year cycles comparable surveys have also been established in in kindergarten and third , under the auspices of the Ministries of Health and Education.

At the time of the survey, 13.9% of pupils in CM2 already had at least one asthma attack or had been treated against asthma during their lifetime, with a male predominance (12.7% for girls , 15.9% boys).

If the prevalence of asthma did not vary significantly as the child is enrolled in urban or rural areas , the data emphasized, however, that showed particularly high in the overseas departments (13.9%) and that " the western regions of France include a stronger children who have asthma than other parts of proportion ."

The family environment also appears to influence , " to the extent that , all things being equal, only children or elders in a family of several children seem significantly more likely " to asthma than other children ( respectively 15% and 16 % ) .

Less marked in the treatment disparities
Second indicator of respiratory problems considered in this study : asthma in process at the time of examination by the school doctor , concerning 9.5 % of school children in CM2 at the time of investigation ( 8% of girls , 10.9% boys ) .

The medical management of asthma does not seem to be as closely linked to the geographical or family situation of the student. In contrast, the father's occupation has a significant impact : the children of unskilled workers are less frequently treated against asthma ( 4.7%) than the children of managers (10.8%) and artisans ( 12%). This could be explained " by medical habits more or less frequent and regular consultations in the social environment ," the authors note.

The observed difference between girls and boys , as was observed between single children or seniors siblings and other children , remains significant , depending on the differences in prevalence in these different categories.

(Studies and results Drees June 2004, No. 313 , 12 pp. " The health of school children CM2 through school health surveys in 2001-2002 ," available online . / htm / publications / index.htm)


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →