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Dark chocolate : a health - food

While a few years ago chocolate was part of foods considered "undesirable" by nutritionists , more and more scientific studies now boast its virtues in the prevention of chronic conditions such as cancer or cardiovascular disease , according to a summary published in the journal " U.S. pharmacist" .
Hidden virtues
Hundreds of chemical substances used in the composition of the cocoa bean , including polyphenols , flavonoids and tannins - also present in plants , tea and red wine - known for their antioxidant properties . But there are also methylxanthines ( family of molecules to which belongs caffeine, which represents about 1% of the composition of the bean ) . If they give cocoa its bitter taste and its stimulant properties , these properties also have cardiac stimulant, diuretic , and coronary dilator smooth muscle relaxant , says George Nemecz , Faculty of Pharmacy, Campbell University in Buies Creek ( North Carolina ) .

Various studies have demonstrated - in both animals and humans - that oral administration of polyphenols in cocoa liquor ( the liquid pulp obtained by grinding cocoa beans crushed , peeled and roasted ) increases the resistance of LDL to oxidation.

But it is this phenomenon that led to the filing of the "bad" cholesterol on the artery walls, and reduced resulting caliber vessels disrupts blood flow , favoring the occurrence of cardiovascular disease.

Prevent cancer and cardiovascular disease
Comparison of antioxidant properties of different beverages rich in polyphenols revealed that chocolate can be as effective as green tea in this aspect of the prevention of cardiovascular diseases , says the author.

As for flavonoids ( group of substances belonging to the flavonoid family , which is ready for anticarcinogenic properties), some recent studies have shown that the powder or cocoa extracts could , in vitro, inhibit the proliferation of human colon tumors .

Finally procyanidins ( subgroup of flavonoids) also possess anti -oxidant capacity . Their ability to scavenge free radicals generated continuously by the body - and responsible for cell aging - helps strengthen natural defenses.

A bad reputation undue
If the chocolate has often been accused of favoring acne or premenstrual syndrome, its role in the development of these disorders seems to be low , says George Nemecz . But it is true that under certain conditions , the consumption of chocolate can be recommended. Thus , chocolate can sometimes trigger seizures in susceptible migraine dietary factors ( such as cheese and red wine , for example).

And like chocolate also contains caffeine , pregnant women , persons wishing to reduce their caffeine intake and those with high blood pressure , insomnia , asthma or heart disease should consume in moderation.

All the beneficial effects due to anti - oxidants present in the cocoa bean are found especially in the rich cocoa products , that is to say the dark chocolate and cocoa powder pure .

But there is far from the cocoa bean to the chocolate bar . Besides the fact that the treatment of the bean ( roasting, grinding ... ) can change its composition , the cocoa content varies by product . Important in dark chocolate or cocoa powder , it shows is much smaller in milk chocolate , white chocolate , or chocolate bars and other chocolate products .

These products , which prove to be the most consumed , also contain large amounts of sugar and fat made ​​from milk , so they are far from being as beneficial , warns George Nemecz .


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →