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drug detoxification

Detoxification, also known as withdrawal, by analogy to the depriving of its mother's milk the infant to gradually make him another food deprivation is more or less rapid toxic.
- Cures detoxification (alcohol, drugs) are not specialized in medical circles as the deprivation often causes severe problems, which must be treated strictly, when the addict is no longer under the influence of the drug.
Any person prosecuted for the first time for drug usage will be delivered from condemnation if it follows to the end the rehab prescribed by the Tribunal.

Similarly, any addict who comes forward in a clinic or hospital for treatment, may remained anonymous and can not be prosecuted for illicit drug use (Art. L 355-21 et seq health public).


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →
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