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Drugs (Part 2)

The distinction between hard and soft drugs is very artificial.
You should know that there is no safe drug.
Sweet alleged drugs such as marijuana, causing slower effect but, in the long run as harmful as hard drugs which they lead also almost always.
Drug cocaine derivative, which is in the form of crystals.
Crack is smoked mixed with tobacco or marijuana. Smoking subjects crack outnumber those using éroïne. Women in particular, in the United States.
Administered and the effect of cocaine is overwhelming: euphoria, power, exacerbation of sexual feelings in particular, feel very powerful, creative, brilliant.
Concentration in the brain is extremely important.
The DEPENDENCY is rapid.
The craving is manifested by the absolute necessity to start smoking, the decline is very fast.
This drug is one of the most horibles ever.
Pregnant women who smoke crack, lose this basic instinct of the human species: the maternal instinct.
A drugged-partum, not even interested in the child she has given birth to.
In the United States, there have been mothers who sell food from their children to buy their drugs when they do not kill outright their baby.
Children born to addicted mothers are often premature. They must spend several weeks in intensive care. They often carry a congenital malformation, cerebral infarction and often victims of sudden death.
And if they survive, they become agitated, aggressive, unsociable.
A serious problem remains in the United States, in particular, is the adoption of these children who quickly become orphans.
Morphine derivative.
Substance used by drug addicts, usually by the intravenous route.
The injection of 0.10 cg can be fatal.
The acute intoxication is accompanied by respiratory coma up apnea (cessation of breathing).
It can manifest paresis of the upper limbs (motor disorders) and blurred vision.
In case of acute intoxication, nalorphine is an antidote of choice.
It is a new drug called yet CRYSTAL, or SPEED CRANK, a drug of the amphetamine.
It is clandestinely manufactured in Korea and Taiwan also in the United States.
His administration is easy since it is smoked in a pipe. Its effect lasts 24 to 48 hours.
His work is characterized by euphoria, loss of fatigue, insomnia and rebel loss of appetite all.
The effect past the patient in a dark sleep that can last several days.
The DEPENDENCY is very important.
Under the influence of drugs, like any amphetamine of schizophrénoïdes or paranoid reactions can be. The patient may become aggressive and can be dangerous to himself and others.
This is an extremely dangerous drug that may take some extension due to its production is scattered in many countries today.
Morphine is a valuable pain reliever that is too often diverted from its primary goal by drug addicts.
The acute intoxication (overdose) may cause death by respiratory arrest.
Chronic poisoning is characterized by abdominal pain, constipation, miosis (constricted pupils), the skin becomes dry, wrinkled, shiny.

The addiction to drugs is fast enough, a few weeks.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →
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