Hair Loss: When to worry?
Hair fall and constantly renewed,
but when hair loss becomes exaggerated to show a sparse head, there should be
concern. Some causes SonLa hair loss is called alopecia. It can be partial or
complete, and can affect all body hair.
Hair growth and life cycle are
influenced by genetic factors, hormonal factors, growth factors, ... A certain
amount of hair falls almost every day and continually renewed. However, it is
advisable to consult a dermatologist when
- Hair loss becomes progressively
- Hair loss is by handles and
gradually becomes abundant
- The top of the skull becomes
increasingly sparse
In these cases, the search for
causes is needed to halt the progression.
Sometimes, some signs may precede
the hair loss, such as itching, pain experienced at the roots, or the abundance
of dandruff.
The role of heredity is an important
risk factor in the onset of baldness. It is generally common alopecia appears
in an individual with a family history of hair loss. In addition, alopecia is
sometimes linked to an autoimmune disease.
However, there are several forms
that differ according to the causes.
Androgenetic alopecia or male
pattern baldness, which is the form most commonly encountered. Hair loss
usually begins at the front or top of the head, and evolves in a progressive
and sustainable. The hair becomes too thin and sensitive. This form of baldness
involves the role of androgens on the scalp and on the life of hair. The person
with this type of alopecia often has family history of alopecia is found in
parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts ...
In androgenetic alopecia, stress or
emotional shock are the primary risk factors. However, other factors may also
be involved as hormone treatments, or environmental factors (such as the fall
and spring). It was also found that alopecia is often associated with
polycystic ovary syndrome or an abnormally high cholesterol. Age has no
particular influence.
There are also other factors that
trigger or promote should be sought in cases of hair loss:
- Certain medications or treatments
such as chemotherapy
- An unbalanced diet with some
micronutrients deficiency, undernutrition
- Anemia
- A thyroid disease
- Smoking
- For women: pregnancy, childbirth,
hormonal changes
Fever, general anesthesia or
accidents can cause a sudden loss of hair.
If evolution can be slowed by
treatment, alopecia nevertheless remains an irreversible condition.
Our tips
There are no safe ways that prevent
alopecia, because often heredity is involved. However, proper hair care and a
healthy lifestyle reduce the risk of developing or worsening of alopecia:
- Maintain proper hygiene of hair
and scalp
- Avoid irritants and chemicals
(mild shampoo)
- Ensure that equipment and
accessories for hair care are individual and flexible
- Avoid too
tight braids
- Ensure a healthy and balanced
diet: foods rich in iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium must be prioritized
- Manage your stress and find ways
to relax, to rest when extreme mental and physical fatigue
- Avoid smoking
The treatment of alopecia depends
mainly cause, in most cases, drug therapy is not well known nécessaire.t ... Read

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →