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How is lung cancer?

It is not so easy to accept that our loved ones live with lung cancer. So, we want to know everything about the disease, forms, methods of treatment ... but more importantly, how it will evolve there after treatment. The prognosis is more reserved, the chances of recovery are very low ...
Lung cancer is a tumor that develops in the lungs, smoking is the main factor that contributes to its development. However, a genetic factor with a genetic predisposition, may be partly involved.
Lung cancer can affect both men and women between 50 and 60 years. The mortality rate is very high, because lung cancer is a very aggressive cancer and easily gives metastases (bone metastases, liver, brain). According to the WHO, it is the leading cause of death among cancers with pancreatic cancer and breast cancer.
There are basically two forms of lung cancer, which differ according to the evolution and responses to different treatments rhythms
- Lung cancer non-small cell is the most common form. Its evolution is slower. This type of cancer is usually treated with surgery.
- Lung cancer small cell is the most aggressive and rapidly evolving towards the formation of metastases. Treatment often relies on chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
Signs of lung cancer are not particularly specific. However, in most cases, chronic cough is the main sign that alerts the patient. It may be accompanied by chest pain, wheezing when breathing, abnormal sputum (bloody or purulent), or signs of bronchial infections. Fatigue, weight loss, loss of appetite and poor general condition are always signs present.
The treatment of lung cancer depends on the stage of evolution, the form of cancer, age and state of health of the patient. Lung cancer small cell is usually treated with chemotherapy and radiotherapy. These treatment methods can substantially reduce the size of the tumor but also to reduce the spread of cancer cells to other organs.
Surgery is indicated in cases of non-small cell cancer, the small tumors, localized and well-defined can benefit from this treatment. Surgery is often combined with chemotherapy or radiotherapy as appropriate. However, when the cancer is at a more advanced stage, surgery can be performed, in which case, chemotherapy or radiation therapy are the treatments of choice.
Chemotherapy to slow the growth of cancer cells by the administration of drugs, according to well-defined protocols. It is carried out over several weeks or months, with temporary downtime allowing the body to rest. The side effects do exist but they usually remain passengers. Lung cancer small cell responds well to chemotherapy, which also acts on metastasis. Chemotherapy and improves the quality of life of the patient.
When choosing a treatment, doctors also assess the risks (side effects) and benefits (cure rate) related to treatment.
The prognosis of lung cancer, even with treatment, is often reserved, with a very low cure rate. The treatment approaches do not always guarantee a cure, but can only extend the life expectancy of the patient. Bronchial infections are very common during lung cancer. Relapses are common, even after chemotherapy or radiotherapy of several weeks or months. It is strongly recommended to maintain a healthy and balanced diet, and keep as much as possible a good sleep.
The prognosis depends mainly on the stage of development of cancer, tumor size, signs presented by the patient, the presence or absence of metastases. The survival rate after 5 years ranges from 1% to 5%, with a median survival of 9 months to 20 months, when the cancer was discovered later.

Psychotherapy is an essential accompanying measure in the treatment of lung cancer. Support environment, relatives, family is important, despite all the difficulties to accept the existence of the disease.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →