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Hepatitis: the dietary measures

In the case of hepatitis, the rest is mandatory. Avoid unnecessary fatigue, minimize household chores, short naps of 20 minutes during the afternoon.
We must know how to find moments of leisure and relaxation, such as reading, walking or listening to music in peace.
The basic rules of hygiene apply to all types of hepatitis:
- Ensure basic hygiene: frequent hand washing with water and hydro-alcoholic solution or soap. Hand washing is systematic after using the toilet, after handling raw foods, before handling food.
- Ensure a healthy food before consumption: thoroughly clean all raw fruits and vegetables (peeling fruit and peel vegetables) to cook food before eating (meat, fish, poultry), prefer pasteurized dairy products (cheese, yogurt, milk).
- Ensure hygienic water consumption: prefer bottled beverages, do not swallow the pool water or sea water when swimming, avoid drinking untreated water.
- Ensuring hygiene materials and sanitary equipment: washing toilet bleach, washing utensils.
- Avoid to share personal business: razor, toothbrush ...
During a trip to a country at risk:
- Do not drink tap water, if the boil for at least 5 minutes.
- Wash fruits and vegetables with bottled water and avoid eating raw.
- In case of injury, use a disinfectant to clean the wound.
- Always use condoms during sexual intercourse.
The liver is an organ that is involved in the digestion of food:
- Transformation of food necessary for the survival substances (nutrients, vitamins, minerals ...)- Elimination of toxic substances to the body (alcohol, drug residues, disposal of toxic which are produced by the degradation of certain proteins in the body).
Thus, a diseased liver is unable effector these activities. It is therefore evident that diets are needed to avoid overwork the liver in case of liver disease. Prepared foods in foil or steamed are highly recommended.
It is suggested to follow the three meals a day at regular times.
- Avoid alcohol as jaundice persists and especially during treatment consumption. Alcohol is toxic to the liver and should be protected and give him time to recover.
- Eat protein rich foods to fight against infections and to regenerate the liver (eg fish).
- Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, easy to digest grains. The vegetables can be eaten in soups, or raw gratin (washing and peeling). Fruit pastes are also excellent.
- Limit foods high in animal fat. The liver is unable to produce enough bile to remove: dairy products should be alleviated (pasteurized), high-fat meat (substitute legumes, and fish).
- Ensure adequate fluids need (about 1.5 liters to 2 liters per day) water, milk, fruit juice, hot soups, nutritional beverages (soy milk, vegetable soups).
Physical Activity
In viral hepatitis, fatigue and muscle pain are common. Physical exercises are necessary to reduce these signs. However, it is recommended to adjust the pace and intensity of exercise in the general condition of the patient.
The exercises are also designed to help the patient relax. The most recommended are
- Walking
- Jogging
- The fresh water swimming or gymnastics
- Cycling
Physical exercise may be associated with relaxation techniques.
Lie on your back, arms along the body, legs slightly apart, eyes closed.
Get on your back, knees tight on the chest
Prende hot showers, relaxing massage and physiotherapy
Phytotherapy (treatment technique through the use of medicinal plants) and homeopathy can be used, but their use still requires the advice and guidance of a healthcare professional


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →