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Hiatal hernia: When to worry?

Gastro-oesophageal reflux associated with weight loss, gastrointestinal bleeding and anemia (fatigue, pallor, rapid heart beat) means that the hiatal hernia worse.
Emergency consultation with the gastroenterologist is required
Exams to do?
Endoscopic examination is sometimes useful to visualize lesions in the esophagus and stomach. These tests may be with or without biopsy.
Other tests must complete the process of diagnosis in cases of hemorrhage (black or bloody stools, bloody vomiting) associated with gastric reflux.
Of precipitating and aggravating factors?
Several factors influence the onset or worsening of hiatal hernia.
Age: hiatal hernia is common in adults over 50 years. However, the cause remains poorly définie.Toute condition causing excessive abdominal pressure can cause a hiatal hernia: pregnancy, repeated coughing, obesity, stress vomiting ...
A significant weight loss can also cause a lack of attachment of the esophagus by loss of muscle tone.
Improper posture after meals promotes gastroesophageal reflux: position anteflexion and lying down.
Smoking, certain foods and drinks promote gastroesophageal reflux as: alcoholic beverages, caffeinated drinks (coffee, tea, cola), soft drinks, chocolate, citrus fruits, tomatoes and tomato-based products (pizzas, some pasta), spicy foods, peanuts ...

  Some medications can also have an impact: aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →