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Hiatal hernia: what treatment?

Besides the existence of signs or complications of hiatus hernia requires no medical treatment.
Dietary measures
The mainstay of treatment of hiatal hernia is based on respect for lifestyle and dietary rules:
Split meals and eat small amounts every time. Take small snacks to 10 hours and 16 hours.
The amount of food for lunch must be reduced.
 Stop smoking, alcohol and any irritating diet.
 Ensure food intake regularly (at the same time) and avoid feeling hungry too long.
Take time to eat quietly and slowly chew and chew food with their teeth before swallowing.
Do not drink too much liquid during the meal.
Do not lie down immediately after eating and avoid leaning forward especially after the meal: wait at least 2 to 3 hours. It is also advisable to raise the upper body (about 10 cm) during sleep.
Avoid wearing tight clothing (belt, tall ...)
Weight Limit weight because being overweight increases the pressure in the stomach.
Avoid drugs drugs that promote reflux and irritation of the mucous membranes (such as aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory)
Rest and exercise
Ability to manage stress and take time to rest. Being calm and ensure a soothing and restful sleep.
Do not hesitate to take advantage of relaxing massages and hot baths to relax.
Perform regular (but low intensity) exercise to relieve tension and stress.
In case of crisis: pain relief with antacids or gastric dressings.
Medical treatment
The drugs are used to fight against the pain. Their prescription will therefore be made to the application. Do not resort to self-medication!
Inhibitors of proton pump
Mode of Action Against the reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus. Generally well tolerated.
SecondairesDiarrhées effects, headache, flatulence, rash, dizziness
Antacids (aluminum salts, calcium, magnesium) ingested between meals
Mode of action against the acidity and gastric secretion, against painful crises. Gastric dressings
Side effects diarrhea or constipation, nausea
Surgical treatment: when to operate?
Surgery is done primarily when the signs become severe, interfere and affect the patient's quality of life.
The surgery is to restore the cardia in place and tighten the hiatal opening. Sometimes the surgeon decides the introduction of a surgical device or prosthesis for fixing.

Surgery is indicated in most cases of hiatal hernia by rolling or when drug treatments are not enough.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →