Lupus patient education a priority
The management of systemic lupus
erythematosus must go with patient education and if necessary the doctor,
believe in Joint Bone Spine rheumatologists Lille.
"In order that the patient
adheres completely to the treatment and the doctor-patient relationship is
optimal, two key principles: the patient learn the signs of the disease so that
it can identify and seek early, on the one hand, information on toxicity and
the precautions prescribed medication, on the other hand, "they recommend
in the preamble.
According to them, the power
glucocorticoids requires specific dietary advice and an assessment of dietary
habits. The low-salt diet, limited sugars, animal fat or cooked fat and rich in
calcium, can not be explained in a few minutes and justifies a specialist
The other stages of patient education
concerning photoprotection, the management of fatigue, exercise, smoking
cessation and vaccinations.
1 / The photoprotection
The use of sunscreens Maximum blocking
UVB and UVA is highly recommended. To be effective, these topics should be
applied every two hours or every 3-4 hours for new forms long time and after
Must be avoided sunbathing, avoid
places where the reverberation is as strong as the sea and the mountain, and
the outputs when the UV radiation is maximum, be wary of certain protections as
umbrella that blocks not all UV and does not prevent the reverberation or white
T-shirts that provide only low photoprotection prefer tight clothing fabric
like cotton or denim, protect the face by a wide-brimmed hat or a peaked cap
and focus on long sleeves and pants.
The photosensitizing drugs should also
be avoided: topical NSAIDs, some oral medications (some NSAIDs, tetracyclines,
quinolones, phenothiazine ...). However, antimalarials are part of sunscreen
2 / Support fatigue and exercise
Fatigue reported in lupus is the
result of muscle deconditioning, sometimes of depression, impaired quality of
sleep or a symptom associated with the disease activity itself. It may also be
the expression of a fibromyalgia syndrome.
Aerobic exercise gradually brings both
physical and psychological benefits and should be encouraged.
3 / Smoking Cessation
A meta-analysis published confirms
that smoking increased slightly but significantly the risk of developing lupus.
"This is an incentive to encourage patients with lupus to stop all tobacco
abuse, especially since that smoking can also reduce the effectiveness of skin
antimalarials," warn the authors.
Smokers tend to be more active and
more severe than non-smokers and former smokers disease. This finding supports
the achievement of a comprehensive smoking cessation in SLE patients by
providing the necessary assistance (psychological care, acupuncture ...), they
4 / Vaccinations
Infectious complications constitute
the second cause of death in lupus patients, particular attention should be
given to vaccination. It has been shown that pneumococcal vaccination and
Haemophilus influenzae type B is possible, even under immunosuppressive.
It should nevertheless be vaccinated
outside outbreaks of disease or concomitant infections. Required vaccines
affect diphtheria, tetanus and polio recommended vaccines, pneumococcal,
influenza by age and associated diseases. The vaccine against hepatitis B in
patients at risk can be made without a history of disease flare associated with
this vaccination.
Are cons-indicated in
immunocompromised patients (in case of corticosteroid doses greater than 20
mg/24 hours and / or immunosuppressive therapy), live or attenuated vaccines:
oral polio, rubella, measles, mumps, chicken pox, yellow fever and BCG.

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →