More and more severe persistent asthma poorly controlled in France
Thousands of asthma, although they
represent only a small proportion of all patients with persistent severe
disease easily controlled with inhaled corticosteroids, told Reuters Health
Prof. Marc Humbert (Antoine hospital Béclère , Clamart, Hauts-de-Seine) in the
Days Parisian Allergy, which took place in Paris.
"Asthma is difficult to control
with inhaled corticosteroids for only 1-3% of all patients, but on some three
million people in France, this fraction induces a large number of consultations
and prescriptions," the pulmonologist.
In particular, the study ASUR-1
(asthma emergency) revealed that this persistent asthma poorly controlled,
responsible for emergency services use, is linked in most cases to poor
adherence, he added . However, he notes, in some cases, asthma is not controlled
by appropriate treatment.
"Nevertheless, he says, the
technical difficulties related to packaging of anti-asthmatic drugs play a
fundamental role in the apparent treatment failure. It is generally accepted
that a correct inhalation technique is difficult to obtain even recommendations
and appropriate training. Key issues described in the inhalation sessions
concern MDIs, especially the poor coordination between the onset of aerosol and
inspiration. Educating asthmatic must, therefore imperative to take into
account the optimization of taking inhaled treatments at best during learning
sessions. "
Cases of severe persistent asthma
are characterized by eosinophilia (blood levels of eosinophils than 500/mm3
objectified on NFS), however normal in all allergic patients. "We must
then look for possible allergenic permanent stimulus in the home environment
and / or professional" advocates specialist. It is, in addition, the
clinic must first guide the conduct, he insists.
According to him, the asthmatic
patient must analyze the elements of the environment potentially harmful based
on information provided by the health care team (results of allergy tests,
providing a potentially harmful air contaminants professionals list sulfites in
food or some drugs ...).
The lack of improvement after
allergen avoidance then suggests rare forms of asthma associated with allergic
bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (between 1-6% of severe cases poorly
controlled), caused by a fungus (Aspergillus fumigatus) or systemic disease rare
(Churg-Strauss syndrome).
"Moreover, continues Professor
Humbert, inappropriate drug prescriptions are often the cause of
destabilization of asthma. It is therefore important to look taking
beta-blockers, aspirin and anti-inflammatory Nonsteroidal. Certain formulations
typically be sought (beta-adrenergic blocking agents in the form of eye drops,
for example.) In all cases, it is recommended to always report their asthma
during an asthma drug prescription. "

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →