These dermatoneuroses with intense
skin reaction caused particular rashes (LICHEN, urticaria) or mundane (papule,
ECZEMA see these terms).
This term is reserved for currently
circumscribed lichénifications that can be seen in the simple lichen Vidal or
simple prurigo. They appear with a red plate, infiltrated, rough, like grid.
This roughness is due to scratching that causes itching. Itching is indeed the
initial and decisive symptom. It can be caused by a trivial thing as a single
key in a pocket. These plaques occur mainly in specific areas: neck, neck, back
of the foot, posterior forearm, genitals.
We can say that these are
neurodermatitis eczema occurring in very nervous subjects scratch without
noticing. It was noted that these dermatoses happen very often in heavy

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →