Only a plan for homeless
In France, there is no precise
definition of the meteorological concepts of cold and cold, although the
threshold from -5 to -10 ° C have been adopted by the plan "winter
emergency" government. But this plan aims to prevent hypothermia in only
very socially excluded people, through a system of detection of these people
(marauding) and their care in shelters.
Abroad, the prevention of excess
winter deaths is also focused on the prevention of hypothermia and education of
the general population, through simple behavioral advice.
According to the report, for each of
the listed diseases, should, in France, to develop specific recommendations for
each of the identified sensitive populations. It is mostly elderly and people
suffering from ischemic heart disease for cardiovascular diseases, respiratory
failure and asthma to respiratory infections with a special interest in
children with asthma.
However, the authors acknowledge,
questions remain on the choice of the best biometeorological indicator
(absolute or perceived temperature), the relationship between this indicator
and the incidence of specific diseases. They require further studies to better
define the means of surveillance, early warning and prevention.

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →