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Otitis baby and maternal smoking

An American study has shown the serious link between medium and otitis media in infants and maternal smoking. The danger is significant from 10 cigarettes per day, the risk is more multiplied by 3 if the birth weight of the child is small (see PASSIVE SMOKING). Ear infections and nasopharyngitis repeatedly infants are an essential cause.
It goes without saying that if the child is entrusted to a nurse smoking, the risk is the same.
This means that it is essential to raise the infant without any air polluted by tobacco as a child made more ear infections early in life (before age 6 months) this condition will persist and more recurrences will be more severe.
Reserving a room for smokers of the house does not guarantee anything because the apartments are better insulated and retain much more than before the smoke and dust.
An English study showed the most severe impact in girls than boys because girls are more likely at home.
It is therefore important to make parents aware that the harmfulness of tobacco is very high especially in the early years of children's lives.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →
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