Parents: you need to know to facilitate the early diagnosis of allergies child
While allergic phenomena and associated diseases have exploded over the last thirty years, today is the first asthma chronic childhood disease and 20 to 25% of the French population suffers from allergic phenomena at scales of variable severity, says Prof. Peter Scheinmann, head of pneumo-allergy pédiatrEtant given as eczema and food allergies in infants seem predict the onset of asthma in young children, European specialists allergy agreed last year to advocate early detection of allergies of the child, to enable early treatment and improve the prognosis of patients.
Informing doctors and patients to adopt habits to help diagnose allergies in children aged one to three years, experts hope that the transition from rhinitis to asthma, or the development of a polysensitization child initially sensitive to a single allergen is often avoided, said Dr. Pierre Scheinmann.
"Any child with allergy symptoms" severe, persistent or recurrent should undergo allergy testing. The difficulty for the physician lies in the fact that allergies manifest themselves in very different signs.
In infants, symptoms are kind of digestive (vomiting, diarrhea, colic), skin (eczema, hives, itching) respiratory (persistent wheezing), while among school-age children, allergic reactions are rather in the form of asthma or hay fever.
This evolution of the infant more susceptible to food allergens in young children more susceptible to environmental allergens, is called "allergic career" by specialists, said Dr. Fabienne Rance.
If such disorders affect your child so persistent and severe, do not hesitate to state his or her physician. It will prescribe whatever the age of your child, allergy testing that will identify the allergen to which it is sensitive. Support will then aim to try to minimize the exposure of the child to the substance and to initiate a specific treatment to relieve allergy symptoms.
In addition to these tips, Dr. Pierre Scheinmann wished to recall that in view of the role of genetic predisposition in allergic reactions, parents should not hesitate to tell the doctor treating the child familiaux.ique the history of the hospital Necker-Enfants Malades in Paris.
Informing doctors and patients to adopt habits to help diagnose allergies in children aged one to three years, experts hope that the transition from rhinitis to asthma, or the development of a polysensitization child initially sensitive to a single allergen is often avoided, said Dr. Pierre Scheinmann.
"Any child with allergy symptoms" severe, persistent or recurrent should undergo allergy testing. The difficulty for the physician lies in the fact that allergies manifest themselves in very different signs.
In infants, symptoms are kind of digestive (vomiting, diarrhea, colic), skin (eczema, hives, itching) respiratory (persistent wheezing), while among school-age children, allergic reactions are rather in the form of asthma or hay fever.
This evolution of the infant more susceptible to food allergens in young children more susceptible to environmental allergens, is called "allergic career" by specialists, said Dr. Fabienne Rance.
If such disorders affect your child so persistent and severe, do not hesitate to state his or her physician. It will prescribe whatever the age of your child, allergy testing that will identify the allergen to which it is sensitive. Support will then aim to try to minimize the exposure of the child to the substance and to initiate a specific treatment to relieve allergy symptoms.
In addition to these tips, Dr. Pierre Scheinmann wished to recall that in view of the role of genetic predisposition in allergic reactions, parents should not hesitate to tell the doctor treating the child familiaux.ique the history of the hospital Necker-Enfants Malades in Paris.

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →