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All pathological manifestations occurring when previously sensitized subject is in contact with pollen grains. These may reach the nasal, conjunctival and bronchial mucosa
Pollinosis affects between 10 and 20% of the population.
Pollen rhinitis is characterized by:
- Sneezing burst, a watery nasal discharge, and nasal obstruction.
- A pruritus (itching) nasal, palatine (palate), or ear.
- Headaches, loss of smell, and nosebleeds are fickle
- As against conjunctivitis almost always accompanies rhinitis (it up keratoconjunctivitis.).
- Asthma is common
- A spasmodic cough associated with tracheal involvement is observed in 30-40% of cases
- Skin disorders are exceptional.
- Skin tests are needed to establish the relationship of cause and effect with the presence of atmospheric pollens.
- The allergens used are a mixture of grasses, tree pollen, various herbaceous
- Due to the frequency of multiple allergies other allergens can also be used (dust mites, mold, etc.).
- A RAST will only be requested for multiple pollinosis
- For prevention of the crisis, is based on the drug ANTIHISTAMINES of cromones, locally or Lomudal Rhinaaxia or the Alerion.
The anthihistaminiques medications and also topical corticosteroids or general if previous treatments are inadequate. (Eg beclomethasone)
Among local corticosteroids should also be mentioned that Fluticasone possesses strong anti-inflammatory action, which is well tolerated and that the action is sustainable.A new molecule seems destined for a great development in the context of seasonal allergic rhinitis: fexofenadine which is a potent and selective oral antihistamine.
This molecule is also used successfully in the itching of chronic urticaria
In the year, the first manifestations of hay fever,
. - In March or April, are due, in the north of France to botulacées (birch, hazel and alder mostly)
- In the south: the Cupressaceae (cypress) Platanaceae then to Morees (mûrier.)
-. Then from late May to late July in the north, and from late April to late June in the south, pollinosis, which reaches the majority of subjects, is due to grasses and cereals The plantain pollinates the same time as the grasses. It is common in waste places., Its responsibility in the occurrence of pollen crisis is difficult to assess because of the concomitant
- Finally, the third period of pollinosis in autumn is related grasses: mugwort, ragweed and pellitories.
The risk due to ragweed is very important in the Rhône-Alpes region (particularly the valley of the Rhône Saône onto the French Riviera), from the end of August until the end of September.

Be aware that a foot ragweed can release several million or billion grains of pollen that can be carried by the wind to several tens of kilometers.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →
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