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Skin aging in practice

It is possible to slow down the aging of the skin, first by not smoking, and not putting in the sun as protected by sunscreens.
It should also protect the skin from FREE RADICALS.
Sunscreens are combined with pigments, anti-inflammatory and free radical scavengers.
PIGMENTS ULTRAFINE protect the near ultraviolet visible region.
PIGMENTS BIGGEST have less protection, but cover the entire solar spectrum. Titanium oxide seems more interesting.
glycirrhétinique acid and its salts have a marked effect on the vasodilation of microcapillary.
THE anti-free:
The super-oxide dismutane, gamma-orizanol (extract from rice bran) and derivatives of vitamin E are certainly the most effective.
This is the cell renewal which is involved in the aging of the skin as well as the decrease of skin lipids. These lipids must include ceramides derived sphingolipids and are part of the cellular cement. Moreover, these ceramides help maintain water in the corneal stratum.
Ceramides used are of animal origin (disputed) and vegetable (but more expensive). We currently using a very interesting by the hydration of the stratum corneum they allow synthetic ceramides or pseudo-ceramides.
On the other hand, the application of a mixture of fatty acid and cholesterol pseudo-ceramide enables faster repair intercellular structures.
Cell renewal is essential to prevent skin aging. This renewal is even higher than the pH is acidic, but it is limited by the aggressiveness of certain acidic substances, the best therapeutic index is provided by lactic acid, glycolic acid and salicylic acid.
It is therefore necessary to vectorize these products to their site of action. For this multiple emulsions are proposed and research is very active to find the best materials.

To confirm the effectiveness of these products, BIOPSY is possible but traumatic. Other methods are possible: ultrasound imaging, MRI, MRI spectroscopy, confocal microscopy, the latter to visualize successive cuts in the different layers of the skin. All these non-invasive methods are currently the most used.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →
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