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Sport and tobacco

Smoking negatively affects athletic ability:
By-impaired respiratory function (bronchospasm, decreased lung capacity, decreased cellular exchanges).
-The carbon monoxide produced by tobacco smoke has a high affinity for red blood cells and binds to the hemoglobin of the red blood cells, making them completely ineffective in tissue oxygenation as the oxygen more may be attached to them. 10 to 20% of red blood cells are thus achieved.
It follows an increase in the amount of red blood cells (polycythemia) to deal with this functional deficit is also accompanied by an increase in white blood cells.
The blood becomes more viscous, the normal deformation of red blood cells is reduced, the quality of the microcirculation is reduced.
On the other hand, nicotine quickens the pulse, raises blood pressure and causes vasoconstriction of the small vessels (capillaries).
ATHEROSCLEROSIS ensuing term makes it difficult physical exertion and is a factor in cardiovascular events in the effort.
The sympathomimetic action of nicotine is a source of hyperglycemia followed by reactive hypoglycemia (too much sugar monitoring is not enough sugar in the blood).
Muscle alterations decrease exercise capacity.
Chronic smoking, source of coronary atherosclerosis can cause myocardial infarction or arrhythmia during exercise, especially in subjects over 40 years.
You should know that the sudden death of sports more than 40 years is associated with smoking in 80% of cases.
Cigarettes after exercise can also cause acute coronary accident, it is necessary to pass at least a period of half an hour before smoking after exercise.
Note that the sport is a great way to prevent smoking, especially endurance sports.
The sport can be an additional motivation to quit in order to pursue the sport in good conditions.

The athlete who quit smoking quickly receives dividends from this investment true: he found very quickly that less coughing, breathing better, less out of breath, which inevitably and significantly improves its performance.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →