Tobacco Thumbnail
The stamp tobacco is offered for
sale only in pharmacies and on prescription issued since April 1992 under the
name of Nicotinell TTS and Nicopatch.
This patch allows the maintenance of
blood plasma nicotine concentration, which will be gradually reduced.
You should know that a
self-regulating membrane ensures regular and continuous release of the active
ingredient. It is gradually decreasing cravings and reduces the effects of
abstinence in dependent subjects (see DEPENDENCE).
Smoking cessation results in heavy
smokers important problems (nervousness, irritability or depressive syndrome).
The only motivation is not
necessarily enough, the patch is a step in the necessary assistance must be
available to smokers who want to quit, because it allows the steady release of
nicotine in the body.
Recall that in less than 10 seconds
of inhaling cigarette smoke makes the arrival of nicotine to the brain.
Blood levels of nicotine cravings
rule. If the level drops, the need to take a cigarette arises.
So the gradual and continuous
release of nicotine patch helps stabilize the nicotine concentrations and
craving disappears gradually. The nicotine concentrations after installing the
patch reached a plateau from the fourth day.
Heavy smokers (more than a pack a
day and more than 6 wide Fagerstrom score: see EVALUATION OF TOBACCO
DEPENDENCE) shall apply on the outside of the arm, chest and hip, a patch of 30
cm2 that deliver 21 mg of nicotine per 24 hours for a month, then a patch of 20
cm2 that deliver for a month 14 mg of nicotine per 24 hours, and then a patch
of 10 cm2 that deliver 7 mg of nicotine per 24 hours.
The presentations of this patch for
modulating the dose.
We must respect absolutely the 3
months of treatment.
The method is successful in 40-50%
of cases against only 20% for other methods or in PLACEBO.
The treatment costs about 1,500
francs for the treatment of three months. It is not reimbursed by social
security, but the economy of buying cigarettes far outweighs the expense.
There may be some cons-indications
to the installation of the patch: allergy to nicotine, ANGOR, RECENT
MYOCARDIAL, ARRHYTHMIAS, Pregnancy and lactation (see these terms).
Some precautions must be taken in
cases of hypertension, peripheral arterial disease (see ARTERITIS), cerebral
circulatory insufficiency, hyperthyroidism, renal failure, hepatic, and in case
of peptic ulcer. It is for these reasons that the patch is available only on
In conclusion, let it be changed
every day instead of applying the patch to avoid the phenomenon of skin
irritation and especially that it is imperative to stop smoking when you
decided to use these devices if the accumulation of nicotine becomes too large
in the body and is a source of serious complications sometimes.

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →