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Too early for food diversification half of infants

A varied diet is way too early for nearly half of the infants, according to the results of a study presented Lille Francophone Days digestive diseases, held at the Palais des congrès de Paris.Carences nutrition and allergies
According to current recommendations, dietary diversification, which corresponds to the introduction of non-milk foods for infants should be initiated between four and six months. In fact, too early may encourage diversification nutritional deficiencies and allergic reactions, recall Dr. Bigot-Chantepie of Jeanne de Flandre Hospital in Lille (North), and colleagues.

To determine whether these recommendations are being followed, the researchers contacted by phone 178 mothers of infants aged 4 to 6 months born in the same maternity.

Their survey shows that more than half of mothers (52%) diversifying feeding their child before four months and a quarter (24%) received gluten at this age.

The profile of these mothers diversifying too early feeding their child had the following characteristics: women with secondary education level, older than 35 years and giving formula milk to four months.

The children followed in maternal and child health (MCH) and a GP were more often involved in too early dietary diversification, with almost two-thirds of them (63%), against only a third of children followed by a pediatrician.

"Our study shows that half of all infants are diverse too early and used to identify a population at risk for a possible intervention programs," the researchers conclude, therefore propose to increase information efforts during pregnancy and motherhood, not to develop awareness of PMI and GPs.

Interest of specific information in maternity
The team of Dr. Bigot-Chantepie has just presented a second study, also in the context of Francophone Days digestive disease, emphasizing the importance of specific information on food diversification, given by a pediatrician in the maternity ward after birth of the child.

This intervention has reduced the proportion of mothers diversifying too early feeding their child (which increased from 52% to 31%) or giving gluten too early (from 24% to 15%).

This information program was effective for children cared for by the family, the children followed in PMI or a general practitioner, and for mothers with more than 3 children.

However, it has shown an effect on the process of diversification for young mothers aged 15 to 24 for children followed by a pediatrician and finally to the foreign mothers tend to give too salt, say researchers.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →