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What are the causes of a stuffy nose?

A stuffy nose is a handicap in everyday life and becomes tiring, especially when this phenomenon occurs continuously. A medical consultation is often necessary to find the causes. Sinusitis, rhinitis, tumor ... explorations must be serious.
The nose plays essential roles in our daily lives. The air we breathe passes first through the nose, at which level it is humidified and warmed before entering the lungs and bronchi in order not to overload the alveoli. The nose is also involved in the sense of smell and taste through the olfactory nerves.
Thus, a stuffy nose or nasal congestion is a handicap in everyday life and becomes tiring, especially when this phenomenon occurs continuously. A medical consultation is often necessary to find the causes. The specialist of this body is the ear, nose and throat.
The doctor looks for characteristics of stuffy nose:
- Unilateral or bilateral,
- Permanently or passenger in a particular context
- History of nose surgery
- Exposure to chemicals or allergy concepts (asthma, rhinitis) concepts, notions of irritation
- The concepts of trauma
According to the examination and the clinical context, a stuffy nose may require additional tests that can guide the physician in his diagnosis.
Several causes can be used, and are the cause of nasal congestion.
Inflammation of the nasal mucous and stuffy nose
Allergic rhinitis is often triggered by the presence of an allergen (dust, pollen, animal dander, cold, moisture, ...). Allergic rhinitis may be seasonal hay as colds, but can be persistent when the allergen is found constantly in the environment of the individual concerned. In addition to nasal congestion, allergic rhinitis is manifested mainly by sneezing, runny nose, itchy palate of the mouth or throat ...
Colds or viral rhinitis can also cause inflammation of the mucous membranes and cause nasal congestion. This condition is not permanent and is caused by exposure of the subject to a virus (rhinovirus or coronarovirus), with attachment of the virus in the mucosa of the nose, eyes and mouth. The common cold is contagious and is transmitted as from infected droplets during sneezing. The signs of a cold are less intense than those of the flu, with runny nose, fever, headache and fatigue.
Chronic sinusitis can cause a chronic inflammation of the nasal mucous membranes. It is an inflammation of the sinuses that can be caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi. Some allergens can also cause sinusitis in people with allergic conditions. During chronic sinusitis, there is a disturbance in the drainage of mucus. Sinusitis is characterized by pain on eye rims, which are usually worse when the subject leans forward. These pains are accompanied by runny nose and nasal congestion.
Vasomotor rhinitis is a form of persistent rhinitis appears mostly in young women under stress. It is also evidenced by nasal congestion and a runny nose. There are several other factors such as promoting smoke, pollution, moisture and certain smells.
Polyps are also chronic diseases that cause chronic inflammation of the mucous membranes. Nasal congestion is accompanied by the loss of smell.
In case of unilateral nasal obstruction, one can think of a tumor, usually benign, such as nasopharyngeal fibroma. Malignant tumor causes are rare but possible.
Structural abnormalities and stuffy nose

The shape abnormalities can affect the bones of the nose, the nasal septum, the nose or the valves. Structural damage of these parts may be the cause of nasal obstruction mechanically. The cause may be traumatic or congenital.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →