Care : cost, a serious obstacle for 36% of French
Approximately 36 % of the French have abandoned or postponed care or purchase of drugs because of their costs, according to a poll by ViaVoice for interassociative Collective Health (Ciss ) .
This survey was conducted by telephone with 1,004 people. Of all respondents , 90 % had additional health , 45% in individual contracts and 43% in group policy . The beneficiaries of universal health coverage (CMU) represent 13 % of the sample , people in long-term illness (ALD ) 19% .
They are 26% report having had to forego medical care or purchase of drugs "because of the expense incurred ." Some groups are more concerned 38% of CMU beneficiaries , lower at 1,500 euros monthly income (36%) , people with ALD ( 33%), 25-34 years ( 32 %) and private sector employees (30 % ) .
They are also 30 % have decided to postpone such remedies for the same reasons . The categories most affected populations are always the same : the CMU beneficiaries (42%) , lower than 1,500 euros monthly income (38%) , people with ALD ( 37%), 25-34 years ( 40% ) and women ( 35%).
The rate of French to have waived care or to purchase drugs is 41% women and 49% among those aged 25-34 . Among people in ALD , it is 44 % and for CMU beneficiaries , 51 %.
Asked about the transfer of a portion of the expense reimbursements to health complementary health , the French are 73 % believed that this increases health inequalities and 54 % believe that this is the first step towards privatization of health system. However, for 64%, it allows a higher level of reimbursement and 51% , improved quality of care .
They are 35 % think that the increase in contributions to their health could further push to cancel 43% and it could force them to lower -end , taking a less expensive but with more limited coverage contract.
This result corroborates the statement made last week by the health director of the French Federation of Insurance Companies (FFSA ), Alain Rouche , indicating with premium increases , people were " more difficult forward " and they watched " more declines in the levels of safeguards . "
When asked about the priority given by the government to reform the health care system , 43% of French believe that the priority is to reduce the rate of support , 38% that it is to reduce the deficit and save and 26% to reduce the consumption of drugs. Finally, 10% consider that the priority is to improve care and research.
According to interviewees , the priorities should focus on maintaining a good level of reimbursement by health insurance ( 53%), a better distribution of health professionals in the area ( 47%) , improving the equal access to care ( 46%) and quality of care ( 39%) , prevention (33%) , reduced health care costs ( 27%) and the financial stability of health insurance (23 % ) .
In addition , 74 % believe that the State should take all necessary measures to ensure that social security pays the most possible health spending French , while 20 % believe that more people should take charge of this type of expenditure , given the lack of social security.
In a statement, the Ciss denounced the bill funding the Social Security ( PLFSS ) 2011 in which the government introduced measures that " will mainly effect of penalizing users ."
The organization deplores " the lack of political courage that leads to the destabilization of solidarity and universal health insurance coverage for an insured logic " and calls for a " large-scale public debate on the choice of financing of the health system french " .

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →