Restless legs syndrome : estimated at over 8% prevalence in France
The prevalence (total number of cases per year ) of restless legs was 8.5 % in France and less than a third of patients are treated , often inappropriately by veinotonic , according to a study presented at the meeting of the American Academy of Neurology (AAN ) in San Francisco.
The mechanism of restless legs syndrome
The prevalence of restless legs syndrome has been evaluated in several Western countries, between 5% and 10% , but never for France recall Dr. François Tison, CHU de Bordeaux , and colleagues .
It appears notably in Canada that people of French origin have a higher risk , he said to Reuters Health .
The researchers conducted a study of 10,263 adults interviewed during face-to- face , to estimate the annual prevalence of restless legs syndrome in France .
They used a system based on four criteria of the International RLS ( Restless Legs Syndrome ) Study Group, developed in 1995 and updated in 2003 questionnaire. Only five population studies were carried out in the world with these new diagnostic criteria , said Dr. Tison .
With a prevalence of 8.5%, the restless legs is probably the neurological disorder , motor disorder and sleep most common , he said .
It appears in particular that the prevalence is almost doubled in women, with a rate of 10.8% , against 5.8 % for men . This increased risk was observed for women in all age groups , said the researcher. The risk of this syndrome increases with age, with a peak at 50-65 years. The first symptoms appear to occur around 35 years.
Among 870 patients identified, daily symptoms were 22.8 % , 29.7% for weekly and monthly to 37.0% . The remaining 10.5% reported symptoms at least once a year. Approximately 15 % of patients have a severe syndrome with involvement of the arms, said Dr. Tison .
Only 10% of patients saw a neurologist
Only half of patients with restless legs syndrome consulted for their symptoms , but most have seen only one doctor , usually a GP ( 72%) or a vascular specialist . Only 10% had consulted a neurologist, said Dr. Tison to Reuters Health .
Patients who did not consult felt that their illness was not severe enough or they did not need treatment. One party claimed not to know the existence of a treatment for such disorders.
Less than a third (30%) of the patients reported being treated , the vast majority being furnished by veinotonic . There is a " confusion " between chronic venous insufficiency and restless legs , said the researcher.
Women more likely to have both diseases at the same time , however, have often said to be relieved , but they probably know how to identify the symptoms of restless legs, or differentiate them from those of venous insufficiency , has he added.
There is a consensus to propose dopamine agonists , levodopa , some opiates and certain anti-seizure in the treatment of restless legs syndrome , but none has marketing authorization ( permission marketing ) in this indication at he recalled.
Author: Mohammad
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