According to him, several points are worth noting:
- Before age 10, the signs may be those of acute encephalitis with
impaired consciousness or those of a brain stem (ataxia, involvement of cranial
nerves ...), very different from those seen in young adults ;
- Two images in MRI are predictive of an increased risk of relapse after
a first attack: all well-circumscribed lesions and lesions oval perpendicular
to the long axis;
- Most pediatric forms evolve by resolvent attacks (relapsing), very few
(9% over 5 years) becoming secondary progressive. The space of time between the
first two relapses is an average of 15 + / - 20 months, but with very large
deviations of up to ten years;
- Treatment with beta interferon, which is effective in children, should
be used as soon as possible, as in adults.
Like all autoimmune diseases, the triggering mechanism of MS in children
is unknown, but surely "multifactorial," attests Dr. Tardieu,
involving genetic and environmental factors.
At the genetic level, 8% of children with MS have a parent also reached
a similar percentage is found in the Canadian and Dutch pediatric cohorts, he
"The role of environmental factors is still very poorly understood,
both in the weight of each factor in risk in the role of their consumption,"
said the specialist.
However, he reports, several were particularly investigated as viral
infections, vitamin D deficiency (and a lack of sun exposure), passive smoking
and vaccinations.
Concerning early viral infections, many works were sometimes
contradictory, however, "it is now established that EBV infection is most
frequently observed before the first outbreak in a population of children with
MS compared to a control population. "
"For our part, informs Dr. Tardieu, we investigated the effect of
varicella and a study is submitted for publication."
By comparing 129 children with MS in 1038 witnesses, he says, it has
been shown that children's exposure to smoking at home was 62% for cases versus
45.1% for controls, risk on being 2.12 or 2.49 for a longer exposure in older
Finally, concerning a possible link between vaccinations, particularly
against hepatitis B, and in September, "the bulk of our results shows no
correlation," said Marc Tardieu.

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →