Breast cancer: the real risk factors unknown to the public
More than 70% of French people consider wrongly sun and smoking as risk
factors for breast cancer, according to results of a TNS-Sofres survey
presented at a debate organized by Unilever, which markets hygiene and
maintenance, with the participation of the League against cancer through the
international conference on anti-cancer treatments (ICACT) to Paris products.
The TNS-Sofres survey was conducted among 5,000 people over 15 years
with 52% of women were interviewed by telephone in five European countries
(France, UK, Germany, Italy and Spain) to find the behavior of Europeans in
health prevention and assess their understanding of the risk factors for breast
The results of this survey show that sun exposure (71%) and tobacco
(70%) topped the list of risk factors for breast cancer perceived by the
French, followed by stress (51%), pollution (48%) and the pill (46%). The
French are also concerned about the danger associated with the use of
anti-perspirant deodorant (17%) and mobile phone (37%). And 20% of European
women choose not to use antiperspirant to prevent breast cancer, reveals survey
of TNS-Sofres.
However, according to Dr. Joseph Gligorov, medical oncologist at the
Tenon Hospital (AP-HP, Paris XX), only genetic factors, mainly the BRCA1 and 2
mutations - and hormonal factors are established risk factors and probable
cancer breast.
"Overweight, high alcohol consumption, early menarche, late
pregnancy, not breastfeeding, use of the pill or low physical activity are
likely risk factors of hormonal kind. They influence Indeed, the contributions
of estrogen in the body, "says Dr. Joseph Gligorov. However, the
estrogenic impregnation of the mammary gland is the main risk factor for breast
cancer identified, said the specialist.
"Although the risk associated with the use of the pill is 10%, I do
not think women will cease to operate, due to higher income it provides.
Conversely, it is possible act more easily on alcohol, obesity or physical
activity consumption, "says Dr. Gligorov.
"Neither electromagnetic fields, or the use of antiperspirant
deodorants, nor of hair dyes, have been associated with an increased risk of
breast cancer," says oncologist. Epidemiological studies attempt to assess
the role of other risk factors or potential prevention such as the consumption
of fat, fruit and vegetables, carotenoids, soy or the role of the growth factor
The expert reminds that "caution is [...] on the publication of
certain results questionable scientific value [...] which can lead to anxiety
and feelings of guilt in the population."
Finally, said the specialist, a diagnosis of early cancer is a major
factor in preventing further disseminate particularly in disadvantaged areas
where the most difficult to treat late-onset forms of breast cancer, also,
appear numerous.
Breast cancer is the most common female cancer in industrialized
countries with more than 43,000 women and 15,000 deaths per year. One in ten
women may be achieved once in his life.

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →