Alcohol and pregnancy: ten years, the child's IQ is lowered
A light to moderate alcohol
consumption during pregnancy, especially in the second quarter, causing a
decline in IQ of the child focused on reaching the age of ten, confirms a study
published in the journal "Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental
IQ is a measure of the ability of a
child to learn and survive in its environment. It also predicts the potential
for academic success. If the fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) affects only a small
proportion, but significant newborns each year, many are exposed to alcohol
before birth who have deficits in their growth and function cognitive, without
meeting the criteria for defining the SAF.
"The intellectual functioning
is the first reliable measure of potential damage from prenatal exposure to
alcohol," said Paul D. Connor, a specialist at the University of
Washington. "However, he adds, mental retardation characterizes only a
minority of patients with FAS and related neurodevelopmental disorder Alcohol
(ARND). There are many other areas of cognitive functioning that can be damaged
even with someone one with a relatively normal IQ, including the ability to
adapt to succeed academically, to solve problems and learn from their
experience. However, the absence of these qualities in finance for example
makes difficult to success in this area, "illustrates the researcher.
Jennifer A. Willford, who led the
work at the University of Pittsburgh analyzed data collected as part of the
Project on practices for maternal health and child development, and assessed
alcohol consumption by 611 pregnant women she followed each trimester of
pregnancy, before taking their child from birth to the age of 10.
"This study shows that even
mild to moderate alcohol consumption during pregnancy can affect IQ," says
Dr. Willford. It also appears that "the effects of prenatal alcohol
exposure on IQ were more severe in children who had been exposed during the second
trimester of pregnancy."
Stop drinking alcoholic beverages as
soon as possible therefore proves beneficial, said Dr. Willford.
And the issue of a minimum alcohol
allowed during pregnancy remains unanswered.
"The best policy is to curb
alcohol consumption during pregnancy or when a woman is planning to become
pregnant, or if he happens to drink after conception, stop as soon as possible
after get be realized, "the researchers recommend.

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →