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binge drinking

Excessive alcohol consumption by young people during festive evenings say.
This very bad practice begins at 12 to 13 years and intensified after the baccalaureate.
This is to drink more than five glasses of strong alcohol in a short time.
The goal is to get drunk.
The girls are all concerned that the boys now.
This allows irresponsible individuals with particularly among girls who sometimes fooled without without realizing it.
There seems to be no socio-economic links or level of education.
Permissiveness of parents is very harmful.
Delinquent parents are alcoholics or a additional risk factor.
This practice takes place especially on weekends or during special occasions.
The mixture of high alcohol consumption, no limit is extremely detrimental.
Serious problems may be caused by this practice, which unfortunately is growing strongly now.
This especially as addiction to tobacco, cannabis, cocaine or other hard drugs, worsen the consequences of this practice. (Euphoria, elation, sometimes with criminal consequences).
Support this practice must be made by the family physician with parental consent


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →