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Black tongue villous

Salivary deficit causes a thickening and lengthening of the papillae of the tongue.
These papillae are threadlike and very bloated.
It follows keratinization of these (TRANSFORMATION CORNEE) and black color part of the cornea.
This can be extended to the entire back of the tongue or more often localized to the posterior medial region.
This disappearance of saliva promotes the development of germs and fungi
In general the presence of Candida albicans is found in large quantities in the mycological collection, especially between the papillae.
Smoking promotes this disease due to chronic irritation it causes.
TREATMENT- Make a tongue brushing morning and evening with a bicarbonate water
- Implement solutions diluted 1/10 or Aberel Locacid
- This black pigmentation gives fast enough applications tretinoin solution 0.05 to 3%.
- Take the S Sulfarlem 25 to increase the secretion of saliva, at a dose of 3 tablets per day.
- Make local sprays a saliva substitute (Artisial).

If it will treat candidiasis by specific antifungal drugs.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →