Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Abbreviated told COPD.
It is the chronic inflammation of
the bronchi.
It is characterized by almost
constant cough. A productive cough is to say that generates sputum.
Against this background, outbreaks
of winter superinfection often manifest themselves.
A progressive symptoms more than
three months per year for at least two years is a sign of chronic bronchitis.
Chronic bronchitis poor oxygenation
and shortness of breath at the slightest exertion, and it will have a long
cardiovascular impact is to say the seriousness of this condition.
Other symptoms are important to know
and announce the installation of respiratory failure.
These are memory problems,
especially in recent memory, it should not be too quick to put on account of
age, sleep disorders, restless with snoring often sleep, daytime sleepiness,
irritability, disturbed character, sometimes erectile dysfunction in men, and
libido disorders.
Causes of chronic bronchitis include
tobacco and professionals or other respiratory irritants, but also tobacco.
Acute recurrent bronchitis may
ultimately lead to a similar pathology.
Acute bronchitis early childhood
should be treated very accurately.
The result of all this is that the
airways are more properly defend themselves, they are no longer able to expel
secretions they produce because of their chronic inflammation.
This is primarily the FUNCTIONAL
RESPIRATORY EVENTS (see this term) that constitute the best test to assess the
severity of COPD.
Spirometry is the most important
consideration because it allows the assessment of FEV.
FEV (forced expiratory volume in one
second), if cut, defines obstructive disorder.
The risk of death from respiratory
failure is high if the FEV is around 0.450 L / second.
The study FEV also allows note
possible improvement in treatment of COPD
The test FEV should preferably be
done in the morning, without bronchodilators from sleep and without
corticosteroids for one week.

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →