COPD severities
COPD safe:
- Simple cough and sputum
- With an FEV / CV greater than or
equal to 70%
- Formerly simple chronic
Mild COPD:
- Simple cough and sputum with
Moderately severe COPD: cough sputum
and dyspnea with FEV / less than 50% CV.
Severe COPD:
- Chronic respiratory failure with
an FEV / less than 30% CV with clinical signs of pulmonary hypertension.
- Severe hypoxemia and hypercapnia
sometimes obstructive signs.
If less than 50% FEV inhaled
corticosteroids is associated with severity of beta 2-agonists.
It will add mucolytics to enhance
the removal of bronchial secretions and often respiratory rehabilitation
kinesis with ventilation.
Pneumococcal and influenza
vaccinations are essential.
According gasometry home oxygen
therapy will be 12 to 15 hours per day.
Of course exposure to tobacco should
be absolutely stopped. (including passive smoking).

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →