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Delirium Tremens (alcoholism)

The most impressive of mental disorders associated with alcoholism may also occur upon abrupt withdrawal of the toxicant.
It should not be confused with the crisis of acute alcoholism.
Often before the acute attack of warning signs occur:
- loss of appetite
- Sleep disorders
- Aggression often oriented ones.
The crisis occurs suddenly
- Total confusion
- Terrifying hallucinations
- anxiety
- Generalized tremors
- Frenzied agitation
- The patient is often covered with sweat.
- The treatment of the vocational service.
- You must call a specialized ambulance.
- This is a great emergency.
- If you can, you should administer a sedative as soon as possible: Valium or Tranxene, Thorazine.
- It will rehydrate the patient and monitor the level of blood sugar, blood pressure monitor.

- Monitoring should last several days. It will then consider the rehab (see CHRONIC ALCOHOLISM).


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →