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Epidemiological investigation, more than half of the French adult population suffers from periodontal disease

More than half (51.7%) of the French adult population suffers from periodontal disease, according to an epidemiological study presented in Paris during a press conference organized by the UFSBD (French Union for Oral Health ).
Dental health is important
Periodontal disease is related to the presence of bacteria in the dental plaque, which the first key and then the bone tissue gums in the absence of treatment. Apart from environmental factors (such as stress and smoking) and genetic factors, cardiovascular disease and diabetes are often implicated.

The non-insulin dependent type 2 diabetes, a key indeed often obese sedentary population, poor eating habits. As life expectancy increases, the number of people is on the increase. This condition presents many complications, especially microvascular, may affect the periodontium.

To better understand the situation in Europe in this field, an epidemiological study was initiated by the UFSBD with the methodological support of the Centre technical support and training centers for checkups (Cetaf). This study involved 2,114 adults aged 35-65 years, who received a medical examination in one of the health examination centers (29 out of a hundred spread over the whole country), between September 2002 and June 2003.

The objectives of this initiative are threefold:

1 / measure the impact of periodontal health in the adult population;

2 / better understanding of the relationship between periodontal disease and non-communicable diseases (cardiovascular, diabetes ...);

3 / justify the promotion of periodontal medicine and integrate oral health into general health.

According to the results, 51.7% of participants showed moderate inflammation extended to 12.5% ​​of periodontal sites and 17.4% of spontaneous bleeding, on a number of websites, however, very low (1.7%). The most severe symptoms affect men aged 60-64 (21.1%).

In addition, 87.2% of adults have the plaque on 30.3% of periodontal sites and 20% of sufficient quantity to be visible to the naked eye during the clinical examination of a limited number of locations ( 2%). There is also a correlation between the presence of bacteria and gingival symptom possible precursor to irreversible damage of the periodontium.

Smoking and diabetes: two predominant factors
There are five risk factors associated with periodontal disease: age, gender (men are more affected than women), diabetes, smoking and cardiovascular disease.

Tobacco use is a priority factor worsening loss of attachment, even if the former smokers have a lower risk, although still significant.

In addition, people with diabetes suffer from gingival inflammation and loss of larger gingival attachment and at levels equivalent to that of the non-diabetic population oral hygiene. Diabetes also potentiate periodontal lesions.

Risk of cardiovascular death multiplied by 4
In this epidemiological study, cardiovascular risk has been specifically analyzed in collaboration with the George Pompidou European Hospital. In fact, it has been demonstrated that the risk of death from cardiovascular disease increased as and when the severity of periodontitis.

Those most affected by the disease (19.7% of cases) and are at risk of death from cardiovascular disease in 10 years multiplied by 4 compared to those free of any periodontal disease.

The pathophysiology of this association (independent of age) implies the presence of chronic inflammation associated with periodontitis, and a positive correlation between WBC count and the presence of this anomaly.

It now appears essential for UFSBD to share these results with health professionals and the general public, to develop recommendations to raise awareness to the extent that almost 40% did not see a dentist, to train professionals concerned and to co


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →