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Survey: a majority of French, cardiovascular diseases are reduced to myocardial

63% of French, cardiovascular diseases to reduce myocardial infarction, according to the Observatory "The French face of cardiovascular risk" initiated by the French Federation of Cardiology, in collaboration with the pharmaceutical industry.
A coeur ouvert
The results of this survey were presented in Paris at a press conference.

The objective is to measure the evolution of the perception and knowledge of the French deal with cardiovascular disease. This observatory will thus appreciate over time the impact of actions on the French territory.

Cardiovascular diseases remain the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in France, with nearly 180,000 deaths per year. Also are reported each year 120,000 130,000 myocardial infarction and stroke, which is a quarter and half mortal causes consequences and involving expensive treatments, both socially and economically.

It is interesting to note that when asked what the French cover for them cardiovascular disease, 63% say the heart attack.

Indeed, they are only 10% to evoke the stroke. Only 3% of respondents associated death from cardiovascular disease and 1% paralysis.

For the sociologist Gérard Mermet, imprecise answers "reflects the complexity of the medical world and involves the provision of a larger effort to explain and education prior to prevention."

Risk factors yet known
Concerning the causes of cardiovascular disease, smoking (57%), food (52%), alcohol (32%) and physical inactivity (33%) were spontaneously mentioned. Then appear high cholesterol (15%) and obesity or overweight (14%).

This knowledge will probably result in many prevention campaigns and awareness-raising activities in our country in recent years.

However, it is worrying that the major cardiovascular risk factors for which supported (therapeutic or not) are often possible, remain largely minority: hypertension (cited only in 6% of cases), diabetes (5% ) and pollution (5%).

Finally, only 4% of respondents consider age as a determinant of cardiovascular disease.

"People tend to keep in mind factors related to lifestyle, such as alcohol, food or practice of physical activity, also highlighted in the various campaigns, while concepts most scientists as diabetes and hypertension are less present, because less public, "said the sociologist.

The concept of overall risk: nonexistent!
The concept of overall risk does not exist in the minds of the French, that is to say taking into account all the risk factors for an individual and their exponential effects, yet in the heart of all recent recommendations learned societies.

Indeed, 33% of respondents admit to not being able to spontaneously respond to this notion and 29% state a wrong answer. An awareness and education appears necessary, says the French Federation of Cardiology.

According to Gérard Mermet, "the French always keep a collective judgment. Overall, they say that prevention is essential, it should be encouraged, but personally, they are less concerned. It is therefore necessary to pass a comprehensive collective discourse to a more persuasive staff "level discourse.

The French unable to assess their own risk
The French do not know how to evaluate their own cardiovascular risk, even when they have several factors. In fact, by asking them about their risk assessment, we find that 28% is attributed to a risk "5" on a rating scale of 0 to 10. Even more amazing, among those with at least three risk factors, the average is 5.7 announced.

This ignorance is no surprise Dr. Denis Pouchain, GP Vincennes (Val-de-Marne), which finds here a direct consequence of the fragmentation of medicine. "This concept, he says, appears to be very complicated and requires the practitioner a lot of patience and availability to explain. It takes time for the synthesis and prevention to help the patient understand and grasp its overall risk. For my part, I calculate with each of my patients concerned the level of risk on your computer. "

In the opinion of Gérard Mermet, "there is a balance between collective and individual freedom constraint, implying also a discourse that is not too guilt and does not give the impression that health professionals decide for them what is good for them, because usually people want responsibility for their own life. "

Prevention messages relayed and well understood by the public
It seems to persist a mismatch between prevention messages relayed by many medical professionals and the general public, including knowledge assimilated by the latter.

In terms of support, 38% of people surveyed said they had already mentioned cardiovascular disease with their doctor. However, among people with more than three risk factors, 36% had ever spoke to him. Moreover, 54% believe that their risk is low while specifying remain vigilant, 21% agree that it is high and appear concerned, while for 13% finding in this case, the concern is not setting.

In medical recommendations, the practice of physical activity appears to be the first council issued by physicians, yet least followed: in fact, only two people had applied.

"The message of effective prevention can not be is personalized. Role of the general practitioner who knows the patient and his family, is to relay messages of collective prevention," says Dr. Pouchain.

And Gérard Mermet adding: "prevention must create an essential behavior change The French adopt more an attitude that could be described with regard to consumer health system's physician must integrate into the spirit.. evolution of this relationship, without access to all the demands of the patient, finding the right balance between the attitude of listening, understanding and professional attitude of one who has the answers. "

"We must learn to manage their own health and especially its capital core capital. Between misconceptions and lack of information, much remains to be done ... But the brave of heart, nothing is impossible!" Concludes for its part Professor Alec Vahanian.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →