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. How gambling moves?

In gambling, addiction happens when the person starts to feel the urge to make a lot of money.
Examples: Cholesterol, osteoarthritis, Alzheimer's, ...
A health ZJeu pathologiqueComment the gambling moves?
How gambling moves?
To go further: Behavioral Addictions | Behavioral Addictions |
How gambling moves?
In gambling, addiction happens when the person starts to feel the urge to make a lot of money.
+ A behavioral addiction
Symptoms +
Pathological Gambling
How gambling moves?
The consequences of gambling
Prevention of pathological gambling
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Behavioral addiction
Addictions games are part of behavioral addictions. The installation of the dependency mechanisms also involve stimulation of the brain (including the stimulation of the region of the brain responsible for feelings of excitement and thrills of suspense). Generally, hooked on the games very much hope on one side but the money earned is especially fun in the excitement and suspense provided by the game
However, many social and psychological factors can contribute especially pathological gambling:
Repeated visits to places of games increase the risk of dependency with the early development of exciting new activities (gain, appetite for risk and challenge, ...) to finish to addiction.
Cultural environment: some people think that the esteem of others is based on what we earn, depending on success, it is a way to earn the respect and admiration of his entourage.
Pathological gambling can be an expression of anger or rebellion vis-à-vis environment. Then the game is a sign of independence, freedom, easy to control activities to mark his authority and domination.
The game can be a refuge in difficult situations or strong and painful emotions. The subject focuses on the game to forget the realities of everyday life.
Gambling addiction is currently a big major problem and affects mainly adults. Men are more affected than women.
If missing, the player may have agitation, irritation or even a depression.
Symptoms are not always obvious as in addictions to tobacco or cannabis or alcohol. In addition, pathological gambling is often overlooked by the surroundings because the player does not usually show his problem: he lies to his family, his doctor and his entourage.
However, some signs have been described in the DSM-IV pathological gambling:
The subject is often decentralized to work with great concern the game (remembering experiences, new game strategies, seeking money for paris ...) and spend a lot more time to play.
When a person is addicted to gambling, it speaks only of its gaming activities, gains and losses. The subject addicted to gambling generally incurs significant and growing the game are
The player constantly increasing the amount of money used in the game to reach the state of excitement and suspense desired.
The efforts made by the player to stop remain unsuccessful, generally, the big players have a lot of debt can sometimes cause alterations on health, but do not stop the game so far
Video Games
For addiction to video games, young people are the most affected.
Psychological symptoms may occur:
- Sensation of pleasure as the subject is nailed to his computer
- The subject is not able to stop his activity and spending more and more time in front of computer
- Indifference vis-à-vis other activities (sports, ...) or obligations to others (family, friends, ...)

- Academic or professional problems


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →