The consequences of gambling
The repercussions of pathological
gambling are mainly caused by the accumulation of debts and the relentless concern
to find the money to play.
Compulsive to affect the player's
health and on the social level, because of financial difficulties created Thurs
Impact on health
Financial difficulties often lead to
insomnia, depression, headaches, ulcers of the stomach causing a progressive
deterioration of health.
The repercussions of video games on
health are especially harmful consequences of the context of the game:
- Dry eyes are accompanied by
headache due to the persistence of the subject in front of his computer
- Appearance of back pain and neck
- Irregular supply and poor hygiene
in sacrifice for the game
- Lack of sleep
Social impact
The biggest impact of gambling on the
social plan are especially marked by financial difficulties created (video
games or gambling) may lead to conflicts in the couple or parents (frequent
disputes), children (including negligence) and family (forgetting all
obligations). This behavior vis-à-vis environment could cause the player to
lose the love of his family or loss of employment or other opportunities.
It is possible that a person
addicted to gambling with financial problems commit crimes or illegal acts
(theft, murder, embezzlement). These problems can cause incarceration.
Pathological gambling is often
responsible for misconduct at work or school with absenteeism and nervousness
due to lack of concentration and sleep (the subject is no longer interested
that game and just focus on his work).
Pathological gambling can lead a
person to suicide. However, this means the influence of the transmission from
one generation to the problem of pathological gambling. According to
experiments, attempted suicide due to gambling are often "social heredity,"
with a parent who had the same behavior (grandparent player with suicidal

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →