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Prevention of pathological gambling

Prevention is based on testing, SEO and referral service for specialized care of the players and their families.
In France, protection regulation was implemented by trade unions and the government casinos for players.
Care and treatment
Prevention of pathological gambling involves social action and policy of a country or region in educating government agencies. However, measures must observe the areas of responsibility.
Therapeutic approaches have been described by psychologists and psychiatrists in relation to behavior caused by pathological gambling in some people. These therapies are focused primarily on techniques of cognitive behavioral therapy and treatment. These therapies are based on the awareness of awareness of the negative perceptions of gambling and false beliefs of the game and on the acceptance of the laws of chance.
Relapse prevention is based on the strategy to confront or deal with the impulse to play
In addition to cognitive-behavioral therapy, relaxation sessions can be useful to give about a relaxing time to better manage difficult emotions and situations and can help the subject to change certain behaviors.
According to experiments conducted in different treatments, abstinence game is not a goal of therapy. It is more reasonable to reduce the risk factors associated with gambling addiction and reduce the activity of the gamMedications can reduce impulsivity to the game, however, no study has demonstrated neither confirm their effects.

The treatment of individuals addicted to video games is based on individual therapy combined with family therapy.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →