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Installation mechanism and effects of addiction

The addiction to cannabis
Cannabis comes in different forms and under different names. There are grass (marijuana, ganja, weed), resin (hashish, hash, shit), oil (consumed with a pipe) or in space cake (cake made of cannabis butter )

THC plays an important role in the regulation of emotions by stimulating the brain's reward system and may persist in the body for about 24 hours after the consumption of cannabis. The effects of cannabis appear about one hour after ingestion and can therefore persist beyond 24 hours until the total elimination of THC.
The effects of cannabis are primarily neuropsychiatric order and vary depending on the dose consumed but usually it causes psychiatric disorders such as euphoria, a feeling of relaxation and well-being, laughter, hallucinations, seizures of 'anxiety or confusion ...
Currently, cannabis has far exceeded tobacco consumption among young people. And after investigations, boys are more addicted than girls with age of onset of consumption to 15 years on average.
In addition to the criteria of Goodman, signs of manifestation of cannabis are mostly psychological signs. Signs of physical dependence is less marked.
The fastest to show signs are soothing feeling of relaxation and euphoria. At a more advanced level, disturbances in perception and concentration appear (delayed reactions with decreased reflexes). There is also the presence of physical signs: red eyes, increased heart rate, dry mouth, feeling of nausea.

The effects of the consumption of Cannabis are multiple. There may be an impairment of memory and intellectual disorders deregulation of consciousness, alertness and sleep (the person does not respond to a situation, it becomes calm and sleepy) and behavioral changes (decreased attention and concentration with changes in motor skills and coordination).


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →