The impact of cannabis
The effects of cannabis vary
depending on the mode of consumption and depending on the state of health of
the individual. Several diseases may occur:
Impact on health
The risk of lung cancer is increased
in cannabis dependence. Cancers of the mouth are also common. Respiratory
diseases are the complications of excessive use of cannabis mainly inhalation.
Psychiatric illnesses worsen as a
result of the product (depression, neurosis, psychosis)
A particular effect for men is
declining fertility. Similarly, cannabis is dangerous to the fetus during
Social impact
Faced with problems of coordination,
reflexes and concentration, cannabis addiction is responsible for accidents or
In the long term, cannabis is also
responsible for a significant social isolation. In addition, cognitive
disturbances can cause academic and social difficulties.
Care and treatment
Several specialized centers or
support structures currently exist for the treatment of addiction to cannabis.
Support of cannabis addiction is
mainly based on individual interviews specialized sessions (listening, advice,
guidance and individual aid) because usually dependent on cannabis is an
isolated issue and complexed with an open problem and a problem of trust
vis-à-vis others.
Other specialized care centers offer
residential treatment for a total duration of about 1 year (treatment and
Disorders caused complications and
should be treated equally.
Drug treatments to treat cannabis
addiction do not exist at present. Psychotherapy is the only path that can lead
to the topic of cannabis abstinence.
However, drug treatment with
anxiolytic may be administered in a complementary manner with the

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →