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How to deal with painful periods?

Painful ... A very common sign in the majority of women. If it is often considered a sign banal, some causes may be more serious and should be diagnosed. In the meantime, here are some tips to fix it.

Painful periods are called "dysmenorrhea", usually a disorder signing rules and characterized by pain felt in the lower abdomen (sometimes radiating to the lower back) before or during menstruation.

The pain may be accompanied by headache, diarrhea, nausea or vomiting.

Pain during menstruation for more than half of women in childbearing age. This sign often appears during adolescence, then disappear after a few years (usually after first birth).

However, there are factors that favor the onset of menstrual pain as

- Overweight or obese

- A particularly vulnerable psychological profile (anxiety, stress, depression)

- Smoking, alcohol

- Lack of exercise

In general, pain during menstruation is not an anomaly, but is related to hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle.

However, when the pain impacting on the quality of life of the woman (absenteeism every month, disability, ...), or lead to abnormal signs as rules extended over a long period, abnormal bleeding, fever or abnormal losses, a gynecological consultation is necessary.

Other signs must also bring the patient to consult:

- Malaise

- Fatigue

- Pale

- Rules unusually heavy

Pain during menstruation are related to uterine contractions in response to hormonal changes, to remove the endometrium (because no fertilization occurred) and an increase in the levels of prostaglandins. The pain would be much more severe in some women during the second day of their period, when the evacuation of the endometrium requires a greater contraction of the uterus.

Our tips

Some measures and changes in lifestyle can prevent the onset of menstrual pain:


- Limit consumption of sugar

- Focus on fatty fish (salmon, herring, sardines, ...) and rich in omega-3 foods (fish oil, walnut oil, ...)

- Limit consumption of vegetable fats

- Avoid stimulating foods such as coffee

- Ensure adequate intake of vitamin C, vitamin B6 and magnesium

- Avoid red meat

Beating stress

- Take the time to regularly practice relaxation techniques like yoga, tai chi, massage to prevent chronic and prolonged stress. The relaxation should be very important and respected.

- Practicing physical exercises regularly

During painful crises, it is advisable to:

- Take a hot bath, rest

- Respect sleep

- Perform some intense and relaxing exercise (walking, cycling), some stretching movements also help relieve pain, increase oxygen to the muscles and improve blood circulation. Yoga can also be made when pain, providing at the same time rest and relaxation, postures are appropriate and can relieve back pain and stomach

- Apply a warm compress on the back or lower abdomen, better yet, use a hot water bottle to relax muscles and reduce pain due to contractions

- Avoid alcohol, coffee, tobacco

- Do not refrain from sexual activity

In some cases, the doctor prescribed drugs that relieve pain. These include anti-inflammatories, analgesics (except aspirin) or an oral contraceptive. However, the use of these drugs require great caution, and the patient must follow the normal dose to avoid overconsumption.

When menstrual pain are related to more serious causes (endometriosis, ovarian cyst, uterine fibroid, a polyp, genital infection, congenital malformation of the reproductive system), support is more specific.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →
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