What Can You Do To Help An Alcoholic?
When we talk about alcoholism, support generally turn to one who has problems with alcohol addiction, yet the alcohol problem affects not only this, as the entourage and family also suffer. If it is not obvious and easy to sensitize the person "sick", however, there are reactions and attitudes appropriate to accompany ...
Alcoholism or alcohol addiction is considered by the World Health Organization as a behavioral disorder. It is a psychic and physical dependence alcohol-related, with a tendency to gradually increase the dose necessary to achieve the desired effect.
The alcohol addiction begins with a simple regular use, even without adverse effects on the body, and then lead to a consumption resulting risks and adverse effects on many organs.
The alcohol dependence gradually settled, and is linked to the action of psycho active alcohol. This dependence is more favored by psychological and psychosocial factors (isolation, conflict, unemployment, ...) specific subject. It is often associated with other signs, often seen by the environment:
- Anxiety, stress, depression, frustration, anxiety, aggression and violence
- Decreased communication, neglect family, feeling of abandonment, lack of motivation
- Personality Disorders
- Impaired alertness, loss of reflexes
- Tremors especially noticed in the morning
- Enlargement of the parotid glands, with red face, ...
Our tips
If alcoholism is primarily an individual problem, it can impact on social life and concern about the environment and family. But how can we respond to an alcohol problem one of our loved ones? Sometimes the approach is not obvious, because the environment does not usually hand up to help a person become aware of his drinking problem. However, the mission is to get the person to seek treatment, not against her will or in spite of him, but on his own initiative. This can take a long time but do not despair and we must be patient.
- Be aware of the mechanism of alcohol dependence, look for factors that could promote the development and maintenance of addiction in person
- Do not wait long to respond
- Accept the person's alcoholism in order to adopt the best attitude towards it
- Communicating calmly with the person when she does not drink, do not try to make him aware that he has a drinking problem, but you just need to talk to him about your concerns, your worries and your fears, avoid blame , convict, to rebuke, threaten or impose
- Avoid judgments, but listen to what the person feels, and transmit the risks of alcohol, never tell him what to do but make him admit the harmful effects of alcohol and provide a means of s 'out. However, arguments about the problems caused by alcohol should not be too insistent to avoid blaming the person
- Encourage and support the person taking responsibility, although it has a drinking problem that prompted him to raise awareness and to make an effort because it will not feel devalued. It is not necessary to treat the person as a sick or disabled (although alcoholism is a disease).
- Ask the limits and make him understand what you accept and what you can not tolerate
- Do not bring it to heal if it is not yet agreed, in effect, a detox is only effective when the subject is ready and prepared, and he feels involved
- In case of withdrawal, do not hesitate to support the person, expect to relapse (which should not be taken as a failure or disaster), let him know that you trust and that you are present that it is in the rise or relapse
- Get help, family and entourage may also benefit from support and guidance. The alcoholism centers accompany patients, of course, but can also offer help and support to the family. Psychologists are also competent in supporting the family and relatives professionals. Indeed, it is important to talk about their concerns and anxieties so as not to sink into alcoholism. In addition, exchange meetings and interviews between family and relatives can have the best attitude to accompany and support the alcoholic.
Alcoholism or alcohol addiction is considered by the World Health Organization as a behavioral disorder. It is a psychic and physical dependence alcohol-related, with a tendency to gradually increase the dose necessary to achieve the desired effect.
The alcohol addiction begins with a simple regular use, even without adverse effects on the body, and then lead to a consumption resulting risks and adverse effects on many organs.
The alcohol dependence gradually settled, and is linked to the action of psycho active alcohol. This dependence is more favored by psychological and psychosocial factors (isolation, conflict, unemployment, ...) specific subject. It is often associated with other signs, often seen by the environment:
- Anxiety, stress, depression, frustration, anxiety, aggression and violence
- Decreased communication, neglect family, feeling of abandonment, lack of motivation
- Personality Disorders
- Impaired alertness, loss of reflexes
- Tremors especially noticed in the morning
- Enlargement of the parotid glands, with red face, ...
Our tips
If alcoholism is primarily an individual problem, it can impact on social life and concern about the environment and family. But how can we respond to an alcohol problem one of our loved ones? Sometimes the approach is not obvious, because the environment does not usually hand up to help a person become aware of his drinking problem. However, the mission is to get the person to seek treatment, not against her will or in spite of him, but on his own initiative. This can take a long time but do not despair and we must be patient.
- Be aware of the mechanism of alcohol dependence, look for factors that could promote the development and maintenance of addiction in person
- Do not wait long to respond
- Accept the person's alcoholism in order to adopt the best attitude towards it
- Communicating calmly with the person when she does not drink, do not try to make him aware that he has a drinking problem, but you just need to talk to him about your concerns, your worries and your fears, avoid blame , convict, to rebuke, threaten or impose
- Avoid judgments, but listen to what the person feels, and transmit the risks of alcohol, never tell him what to do but make him admit the harmful effects of alcohol and provide a means of s 'out. However, arguments about the problems caused by alcohol should not be too insistent to avoid blaming the person
- Encourage and support the person taking responsibility, although it has a drinking problem that prompted him to raise awareness and to make an effort because it will not feel devalued. It is not necessary to treat the person as a sick or disabled (although alcoholism is a disease).
- Ask the limits and make him understand what you accept and what you can not tolerate
- Do not bring it to heal if it is not yet agreed, in effect, a detox is only effective when the subject is ready and prepared, and he feels involved
- In case of withdrawal, do not hesitate to support the person, expect to relapse (which should not be taken as a failure or disaster), let him know that you trust and that you are present that it is in the rise or relapse
- Get help, family and entourage may also benefit from support and guidance. The alcoholism centers accompany patients, of course, but can also offer help and support to the family. Psychologists are also competent in supporting the family and relatives professionals. Indeed, it is important to talk about their concerns and anxieties so as not to sink into alcoholism. In addition, exchange meetings and interviews between family and relatives can have the best attitude to accompany and support the alcoholic.

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →