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Medical follow-up in patients with cirrhosis

Regular medical follow-up is needed to control and prevent complications.
Regular medical follow-up
Regular medical follow-up is needed to control and prevent complications.
Specialist visit regularly. The hepato-gastroenterologist is a physician who has expertise in diseases of the liver.
Hepatic ultrasonography and serum alpha-fetoprotein should be regular (every 6 months) in order to detect the time to progression to cirrhosis and liver cancer.
Detection and prevention of complications:
- Gastrointestinal endoscopy for early detection of esophageal varices and prevent fractures
- Eviction of taking psychotropic drugs (antidepressants, antipsychotics, stimulants, ...) in the prevention of hepatic encephalopathy.
Total and lifetime alcohol whatever the cause of cirrhosis.
It is recommended to ensure proper balanced diet, especially at the beginning stage of the disease:
- Carbohydrate intake,
- Intake of foods rich in vitamins, trace elements and minerals (fruits, vegetables)
- Lower fat intake.
Deficiency of B vitamins and protein aggravate the destruction of liver cells.
It is advisable to be cautious in taking any medication (drugs being processed in the liver). It is therefore recommended to always comply with medical advice.
Strictly prohibited drugs:
- Anticoagulants
- Neurosedatives and psychotropic
- Aspirin
Alternative: liver transplant
Liver transplantation is recommended and indicated:
- In patients with severe hepatic failure and the subject's life is threatened

- When all drug treatments have not yielded satisfactory results.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →