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Serological tests

HIV positive or negative? We all know these words, often related to AIDS, yet there are several infections that can be detected by serology. But how does it work? The detection of antibodies and antigens information on our immune status ....

What is serology?

Serology is an examination of the blood serum. It is to detect and investigate antibodies to a specific disease present in the serum, while reflecting the immunity of the individual. The study of these antibodies is an indication of the presence of a pathogen in the body. These are antibodies that correspond to specific antigens. These antibodies are called immunoglobulins.

When effect of  serology?

Serology is performed mainly for


diagnosis (an autoimmune disease, for example),

follow the evolution of a disease,

assessing the efficacy of vaccination.

However, serology can be performed for certain infectious diseases.

The main immunoglobulins involved in the immune response are the immunoglobulin G (IgG), lesimmunoglobulines A (IgA) and immunoglobulin M (IgM). The presence of IgG usually means an old infection. Active infection is usually shown by the existence of IgM.

Different serological
The techniques used

Viral serology
Serology for hepatitis A

search for anti-HAV antibodies (IgM and IgG)
Serology for hepatitis B

search for anti-HBV antibody

Mark of HBs antigen

Serology for hepatitis C
search for anti-HCV antibodies
Serology for HIV / AIDS

search for anti-HIV antibodies
Bacterial serology
Serology of infectious mononucleosis

search for anti-Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) antibody of the IgM type.
Search for antibodies to specific antigens IgG-VCA IgG-EBNA IgG-EA

Serology of salmonellosis (typhoid fever)
Testing Widal and Felix: search for antibodies to Type O and Type H
The syphilis serology

TPHA or Treponema pallidum haemagglutination Assay: evidence of antibodies against Treponema
VDRL or Venereal Disease Research Laboratory: demonstration of antibodies anticardiolipidiques

The rubella serology

Search antibody IgM, IgA but also IgG
Parasite serology

Serology for toxoplasmosis
IgM antibodies

the result

When serology is positive, it is called an HIV-positive person to infection. Otherwise, it is called a negative person.

Seropositivity means the presence of specific antibodies to an infectious disease in the blood. This antibody may reflect a former contact with the pathogen but may also sign the existence of a progressive disease.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →