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Biological mechanism of addiction

Several mechanisms of addiction have been described in the biological, social and psychological.
Dependence on a product or an act is related to neurobiological mechanism: everything happens in the brain.
Substances produced by the brain as dopamine and serotonin are involved in the management and control of human emotional states and influence the brain-seeking behaviors of fun, impulsive and aggressive activities.
The mere sight of the product or something reminiscent of an act or object (smell, shape, texture) cause an increase in the secretion of dopamine and serotonin stimulate the brain and have an increased urge to the substance or the completion of the act and motivating the individual to use the product or perform the act. This is the circuit of the reward system.
The reward system of the brain essential for survival is a system that participates in the vital functions acts related to nutrition and reproduction, acts related to the satisfaction and pleasure.

Psychoactive substances (alcohol, drugs, ...) are substances that alter the system by modifying its operation led to the dependence of the body to these substances.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →