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Social mechanism of addiction

The social environment of an individual is also a factor of development of addiction. There is a special environment that fosters addiction such as isolation, boredom, lack of understanding, coping strategies.
Coping strategies are behaviors of an individual who can help to cope with difficult situations or constraints as seek to circumvent a problem occupations, modifying its behavior to hide its weaknesses and feelings (bulimia ), easily take psychoactive substances to face its problems (alcohol, drugs, heroin, cannabis, ...).
Several social mechanisms may be involved in the onset of addiction and yet remain fickle factors:
Insecurity and poverty, poor living conditions causing suffering stress. These situations usually lead susceptible individuals to easily hang on psychoactive substances to circumvent the problems caused.
The social exclusion of people addicted to drugs exacerbates the phenomenon of dependency among these people, causing social complications such as delinquency, incarceration ....
Patterns of behavior that are currently imposed by society with trends
hyperconsumption (excessive consumption and purchase of mobile phones, MP3 players, computers, ...) which initially was entertainment then comes the stage where the feeling of physical security leading to a source of pleasure and addiction appears
adapt to various changes in the competitive world (stay good in all areas, to improve steadily against competitive) then use all means in order to overcome the other, increasing the risk of dependency by making drugs to cope with stress and anxiety produced by the situation ....

The family environment can influence the appearance of addiction among many teenagers and young adults. Indeed, it has been shown that most parents have a high level of education (stress at work, lack of control and supervision of children and young adolescents with frequent output buddies with the appearance of group pressure and negative influences ...) more teens are exposed to resort to addictions.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →