How to choose an air purifier for allergies?
With the vast majority of allergy triggered by particles which are air, or take off in motion, it would seem logical that an air purifier can reduce allergic symptoms. There are a number of factors that make choosing an air purifier more difficult than you expect complications. With ozone generators, HEPA filters, and more choices, it is important to educate yourself before choosing an air purifier.
1 Identify your specific allergies before buying an air purifier. This is usually done through an allergy test at your doctor allergy. Skip buying an air purifier for allergies to pollen, dust mites, cockroaches and. These particles are heavier and thus to establish more quickly when disturbed, which restricts the benefit of an air purifier.
Consider an air purifier for any persistent tobacco smoke, pet allergies, or allergies to mold. These particles are lighter and linger longer in the air.
2 Find the HEPA air purifiers. Although studies are contradictory as to whether or not air purifiers are actually effective, non-HEPA filters are not recommended. HEPA filter removes at least 99% of the particles in the air which are 0.3 micron and larger. However, the filter should be replaced every six months to maintain efficiency.
3 Avoid ozone generators. The Agency of Environmental Protection has issued an official statement on these devices, warning that dangerous respiratory problems can result from their use, including permanent lung damage, asthma and compromised to fight respiratory infections capacity .
4 Switch to the ionic and filters. Also known as electrostatic or electronic filters, they produce charged ions into the air that attract particles. These particles then stick to nearby surfaces such as a wall or floor. This type of filter produces small amounts of ozone and therefore are not recommended because their effectiveness varies.
5 Search an air purifier that meets your personal needs.
Read the list displayed on the air cleaner box that specific particles, it removes air particles. Make sure it removes particles that you are allergic.
Reach the air purifier with your desired coverage area. Often with an air purifier in the room is just enough.
Consider the output of device noise. Some are stronger than others and can disrupt your sleep.
Consider the cost of replacement filters and the recommended frequency of replacement. Make sure it is something that you have the skills and time to finish on time.
Control your indoor environment. This is the most fundamental of all allergic tool arsenal. The ban on smoking indoors, keep pets out of the room, and keep doors and windows closed all year.
Clean aggressive. Wear a mask when dusting and washing all bedding in hot water once a week.

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →