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Allergies and diagnostics

Faced with suspicious signs of allergy, it is more reasonable to see a doctor for a diagnosis well to take a good care of the patient.
When to see an allergist?
When an allergy is suspected, it is advisable to consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis of the signs and allergens cause.
The first step is to consult the physician who must provide all necessary information on the signs that we suffer for easy diagnosis. For him to refer the patient to the allergist.
The allergist allergy conduct a survey to identify the specific offending allergens and then establish measures for the prevention and treatment of allergic reactions.
How to confirm the allergy?
The interview is an important step in the direction of diagnosing allergies mentioning
- The reason for consultation
- A description of the signs and their evolution since the beginning until the day of consultation
- Personal or family history of allergy (parents, uncles and aunts, cousins)
- The patient's environment: the description of the home, the presence of animals, the presence of plants, the presence of carpet or duvets or pillows feathers ....
- Eating habits
- Lifestyle: business travel, leisure ...
- Drug therapy during
The allergist then performed skin tests on the arm or back in order to identify allergens. Skin tests are to cause skin contact with several allergens and then wait for the reaction that follows. The appearance of redness and / or swelling at the point of contact confirmed allergic sensitivity to the test substance. These skin tests are used in order to know how fast and painless the responsible allergen and can be performed even in young children.
There are several types of skin tests. (Antihistamines should be discontinued at least 3 days before skin testing to avoid distorting the results).
The prick test
Is to place a small drop of the suspected allergen on the skin of the patient. Then the doctor pricks through this drop. After 15 to 20 minutes, if a reaction occurs at the point of injection (itching, redness resembling a mosquito bite), the allergen tested is the one who caused the signs of allergies in the patient.
The patch test
Recommended by the doctor primarily in search of allergen responsible for eczema. The test patch, as a sticker contains the suspected allergen (but in small quantities), and will be applied to the skin of the upper back of the patient for 2 days. If the reaction is positive (redness, itching, local swelling), the allergen tested is causing contact dermatitis patient.
The intradermal
This technique is mainly used to test drugs or poisons. It involves injecting the allergen (the tested drug or poison is diluted and administered in very small quantities) at the skin of the outer arm. A positive test is characterized by redness, swelling, itching at the injection region.
The allergy can be confirmed by blood tests in the laboratory. They are to look for in the patient's blood directed against the suspected allergen antibodies. The presence of these antibodies confirms the allergic patient's sensitivity to the test substance. The blood test is performed if the skin test does not give sufficiently accurate and does not need to be fasting.

Faced with difficulties in diagnosis, there are tests of oral or nasal provocation, but the risk of complications associated with these tests justify that they are used as a last resort and in a strictly controlled environment.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →