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Allergy to insect venom

Allergic signs
Allergic symptoms and their intensity vary depending on where the allergy and states are functions of factors unique to each individual.
Although the mechanism is the same, the allergic reaction can take different forms.
It is generally observed that the same classes of allergens trigger the same types of allergies.
Atopic eczema or atopic dermatitis
It is a skin condition characterized by the appearance of red, dry and crusted plaques associated with itching, appearing in well-defined regions of the body: the cheeks, forehead, neck or even the scalp. The thorax and flexures may be involved.
Atopic dermatitis is more common in children and occurs in people prone to allergies. It is favored by dry skin, poor quality food, the hot and humid climate and a state of stress.
It is a rash characterized by red marks on the skin clear outline accompanied by burning and sometimes itching.
Urticaria is usually caused by direct skin contact with the allergen, a reaction of the body to food, or an allergic reaction to a drug.
 This is an inflammatory response of the lungs which can lead to clogging and fast upon contact with an allergenic agent (pollen, mites, dust, pet hair).
Asthma is characterized by difficulty breathing (wheezing, slow breathing) with cough, cold sweats and an accelerated heart beat.
Asthma is associated with hereditary factor and asthma support requires specific and urgent medical care.
Allergic rhinitis
 It is an inflammation of the nasal cavity and is characterized by a runny nose with sneezing and itching accompanied by pain at the root of the nose and red, watery eyes.
These result in the individual signs of fatigue with a decreased appetite due to an alteration of taste.
Allergens involved beings can mold, pollen from trees or grasses (seasonal rhinitis or hay fever), hair or skin contact with animals, mites.
Allergic conjunctivitis
 It is an inflammation of the membrane that lines the front of the eye and the inner eyelids. The reaction is characterized by a red eye crying, swollen eyelids and pasted.
Allergic conjunctivitis is usually secondary to eye contact with the allergenic agent (tree pollen, grass, animal dander, dust mites, makeup products, cleaning products, lentils) .
This allergy is manifested by inflammatory reactions at the toe region: red rashes, swelling and pain.
Allergic reactions can be severe with generalized skin rash, difficulty breathing can lead to loss of consciousness.
Anaphylactic reaction
Angioedema is an allergic reaction localized on the face (lips and eyelids), at the tongue and larynx, characterized by swelling. When swelling affect the glottis and larynx, there is a risk of choking and suffocation, thus constituting a medical emergency.
Angioedema is often triggered by an allergic food ingestion, medications (penicillin, aspirin) or an insect bite.
Anaphylactic shock is an immediate and severe allergic reaction characterized by the appearance of signs of emergencies:
Cutaneous signs: rashes and itching hands, lips, eyes
Respiratory symptoms: coughing, sneezing, difficulty breathing
Cardiovascular signs: the collapse of blood pressure, dizziness, rapid heart beat, chills, sweating and paleness
A feeling of weakness and intense discomfort sometimes resulting in loss of consciousness.
Digestive disorders may be associated with these signs such as nausea, vomiting or diarrhea.
Allergens frequently involved in anaphylactic shock are anesthetic drugs (muscle relaxants, derivatives of morphine), insect stings (bees), antibiotics (beta-lactams).

Digestive disorders are not typical signs of allergies manifested by diarrhea, bloating, abdominal pain ...


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →