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Allergies: inventory

The prevalence of allergies is constantly increasing and affects mostly the developed countries.
In France, 20 to 25% of the population suffers from allergies. Respiratory allergies are the most common *.
Evolution of figures in Western Europe
The prevalence of allergies is currently 25% to 30%, according to epidemiological studies of INSERM. The different forms of allergies has increased significantly in 20 years.
What attribute the increase in allergies?
The incidence of allergies evolve with changes resulting primarily from our lifestyle and environmental factors, including air factors are especially challenged:
Increased mites in houses due to confinement and the increase of temperature exposure.
This is the case of certain city in France with a warm and humid climate: Bordeaux, Toulouse, Marseille.
Increased to pet hair especially for Nordic exposure.
Increased planting of certain species of plants (cypress) in some areas.
Increased atmospheric moisture in humid exposure.
Increase in smoking.

Increased air pollution from car exhaust gases in countries with high road traffic exposure (Japan, China, ....).


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →