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What is a cross allergy?

We're talking about cross-reactivity when a person allergic to a substance reacts to substances of similar composition or structure.
However, the existence of cross-reactivity is not systematic
How is the diagnosis of cross allergies?
Currently, molecular analyzes have to clarify the diagnosis of cross allergies. During a cross-allergy in a person, a skin test will be performed to identify the allergen responsible for symptoms. The skin test may be supplemented by a blood test to highlight the IgE immunoglobulins produced by the body and which are specific to the allergen.
From the offending allergen, molecular analyzes are performed to find the fragments of proteins responsible for the allergy. These proteins will be sought in food extracts or other substances having the same structure. Thus, the protein fragments contained in the allergen responsible for allergic rhinitis to birch pollen are also identified in some fruits like apple, cherry, strawberry, kiwi ...


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →