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Allergy to wasp stings

Note that some allergic individuals may have these signs of shock with a single wasp sting.
Patients who know they are allergic well advised to have with them at all times, especially in the summer:
- A bottle of steroid derivative that can be administered even intramuscularly, once they are bitten,
- Or ampoule of adrenaline (or Anakit Anahelp)
- An inhaler bottle types: Ventolin or dyspnea-inhal.
- They should not walk near the hives,
- Do not stay in the sun body wet or coated with suntan oil
- Do not gesticulate in the presence of a wasp or a bee.
It is recommended to take these precautions to those who were bitten and showed a strong reaction the first time, especially in the year or the previous year.
In these cases of allergy that can pose a serious danger, it is highly advisable to do desensitize.
There is currently a relatively rapid desensitization.
In the case of desensitization, whether classic or fast, it should be noted that maintenance injections are needed for 3 to 5 years, unless it can be demonstrated, especially serum assay, the immuno-globulin E disappeared.
wear bright clothing
avoid perfumes
wear a hat
in case of attack do not crush, do not jump into the water.

Do not stay in the sun body wet or coated with suntan oil


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →